Memberships by Elissa Kennedy
Memberships by Elissa Kennedy
Elissa Kennedy

Welcome to Memberships by Elissa Kennedy

An inclusive collection of online communities created around different topics of support!

This Community

This is an inclusive online collection of communities created by Elissa Kennedy, that brings together individuals who want to connect with others around specific topics. 

Whatever challenge you are facing, this supportive community will be here for you!

What's Inside This Community?

This community space includes the DAWN Community, Thrive Community, Unleash Your Confidence, and Elevate Mastermind. 

This Platform Holds all of the group programs and communities of Elissa Kennedy Coaching, LLC. 

  • DAWN is a local networking group for women with multiple layers of membership
  • Unleash Your Confidence is a Mental Fitness Guided Program
  • Thrive Community is for anyone who has completed any Mental Fitness training and wants to continue to expand on their work.
  • Elevate is a Mastermind group for women

You will only get access to the parts of the platform that you are registered for and those areas are private and won't be seen by other groups.

This community is a safe space for anyone navigating challenging life transitions, to get support so that you can create extraordinary new possibilities in the next chapter of life.

Are you approaching a big birthday, starting a business, ending a relationship, embarking on a new career, or just feeling stuck about what is next? 

This community will help you discover what is keeping you stuck so that you can finally create the changes you've been longing to make!

You will learn to gently flow through challenges that show up to help you sustainably shift your life. Whatever challenge you are facing, this supportive community will be here for you! 

We are all about lifting people up, creating powerful connections, and creating a safe space where everyone belongs and rises together!

Meet the Founder

Hi! I'm Elissa
I created this community as a part of my mission to bring valuable life coaching to anyone stuck in a life transition. 

This community is designed to support you with tools and community so that you can move forward faster than you would by trying to figure it out on your own.

I value collaboration over competition and connection over isolation. I believe that we all benefit when we grow together.

This supportive community is about redefining success, lifting women up, creating powerful connections, and creating a safe space where everyone belongs and rises together!

I am ICF-certified as a Holistic Life Coach. I also have specializations in Somatic Coaching, Mental Fitness Coaching, Life Transitions, and Business Start-ups.

How it works

Sign up for one of the plans below to become a member today! You will get access to a network of members and any benefits of the plan you choose!

Choose your plan to get instant access today!